Contact Form

Get in touch

Have you become enthusiastic about the website and are you working with different software programs? Then our goal has been achieved! It is important that everyone gets information about different free software programs in order to save money.

If there are any questions about certain software programs or if you would like to receive more information? Then it is possible to fill in the contact form below, with a question. We will be happy to contact you to answer the questions!


It is possible to promote your company, if you work with software programs. If you see an opportunity to start a collaboration with, please contact us!

Collaborations can be done in different ways. The options we offer are as follows:

guest blog

Do you know a lot about different software programs and do you want to share this information with
the rest of the world? It is possible to write a guest blog and post it on this website. Please contact us for the different conditions.

Place an advertisement (banner)

An advertisement is placed with every blog. If you would like your ad to appear on a blog, please contact us for the conditions!

Post Affiliate Link

Do you want your product or service to end up on Freedownload? Then it is possible to enter into an affiliate partnership. Any conditions are always negotiable!

If you are interested, we would like to receive the following information:

  • Name
  • Company Name
  • web address
  • Product
  • Type of collaboration / question
  • A short explanation
  • phone number

When we receive the e-mail, we will first look at the possibilities. Then we will forward these options with a possible contact appointment. In the contact appointment we can discuss the possibilities and make any adjustments! We will also try to respond to a request as soon as possible!

Top 5 freedownloads

  • optie 1
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  • optie 5